Seoul Academy

Seoul Academy Upper Division
  • Student Information
  • Family Information
  • Additional Information
  • Submit

Student Information

Photo *
Select Image
Student's Name as Shown on Passport
Country of Birth *
Country of Citizenship 1
Country of Citizenship 2
Gender *
Experience of Attending International Schools
Educational Background: Schools Attended in Last 3 Years
  • Previous Schools Applicant Attended
    Start Date and Grade
    End Date and Grade
Please check the box if the conditions apply to the candidate (Optional)
  • Yes
    If yes, please provide us with special explanation.
  • Condition Repeated a grade
    If yes, please provide us with special explanation. Specify grade(s) repeated and why.
  • Condition Skipped a grade
    If yes, please provide us with special explanation. Specify grade(s) skipped and why.
  • Condition Participated in an ESL program
    If yes, please provide us with special explanation. If yes, specify level and number of years of instruction.
  • Condition Suspended or expelled from a school
    If yes, please provide us with special explanation. If yes, specify the incident and how it was resolved.
  • Condition Diagnosed with a learning disability
    If yes, please provide us with special explanation.