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Director's Message

Thank you for visiting the Seoul Academy website.

At Seoul Academy, we strive to be the best educational institution in the world, dedicated to cultivating leaders who are well-equipped to face the challenges and opportunities of the global era.

Seoul Academy's mission is not only to prepare our students for admission to prestigious universities but also to help them discover their passions and find their way in the world. To achieve this, our focus lies in nurturing our students' capacities to acquire and apply new knowledge within the rapidly evolving digital era. We also emphasize the development of their creative and critical thinking skills, effective and empathetic communication abilities, artistic self-expression, and personal accountability for their actions. We believe that it is our duty as educators to provide our students with a solid foundation of academic knowledge, personal development, and civic virtue.

Our goal is to have our graduates emerge as global citizens who possess the ability to effectively engage and interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. We strive to instill a genuine curiosity and eagerness to learn from the various ways of living across the globe. We are committed to recruiting the best faculty and students based on rigorous selection criteria and to providing a learning environment that is challenging, stimulating, and supportive.

We aim for our students to gain a deep understanding of the world and society in which we live, expand their horizons beyond Korea, and communicate comprehensively and dynamically with people from diverse backgrounds. We firmly believe that our students will grow to become inclusive and open-minded leaders who will make a positive impact on the world.

Seoul Academy is committed to supporting our students in reaching their full potential and building a bright future for themselves and their community.

Thank you for your interest in Seoul Academy. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation session, please do not hesitate to contact our administration office.


Director of Seoul Academy